Performance Testing - JMeter Details

Before the launch of any software or any application, it is necessary to validate and verify the performance. Performance testing helps to check if the application is working as per the expectations. It involves testing the software with workload and monitoring the response. The testers look after the response and validate if they are performing as expected or if some other unexpectation happening.

We are the training institute that helps our trainees excel in performance testing using the most popular tool JMeter. Our trainees learn to determine and eradicate the potential resistance of the software application. They get mentorship from industry professionals and understand the objectives of the performance testing. We help our trainees to get hands-on experience using Apache JMeter. They learn to test the performance of a web application and check both static and dynamic resources. Our trainees get an understanding of JMeter and utilize the same for functional testing and load testing.

The Apache JMeter is a Java-based software and works as an open source to perform various types of performance testing.

The Types of Performance Testing

Our training curriculum covers all six types of performance testing

  • Load Testing Our trainees get in-depth knowledge about load testing. They become the experts in testing the application performance with regular and extreme use. They learn to check the response time and monitor the loading consistency with different users.
  • Volume Testing We got a team of experts who help our trainees to perform volume testing using JMeter. They learn to monitor the system's performance and check the Data volume. While performing the test, they enter extensive data into the database.
  • Stress Testing It is a crucial type of testing where our trainees get the expertise from our professionals to check various ways of breaking the system and monitor if the system can sustain itself. Once they learn about stress testing, they can analyze the amount of load, a system can adopt during the incremental approach.
  • Capacity Testing Our trainees get the expertise of capacity training to check if the application meets all the business requirements. They learn to examine the application's capabilities and perform testing by keeping in mind the opportunities of the application and the number of users.
  • Reliability Testing We help our trainees to understand the verification process of reliability testing of the application. They get the proper training with JMeter to check if the application reinstates to a normal situation after an abnormal state. Our training helps to monitor the time that the system takes to return from the normal situation.
  • Scalability Testing The training curriculum gives an insight to our trainees about the scalability of the application. They check if the application can scale up as and when it is required. At times, when the load increases, the application must scale up. Hence, our trainees gain knowledge from their mentors about scalability testing.

The Performance Testing Process

The testers must understand the process of Performance Testing. Our training institute provides extensive training to our trainees on the process and helps them to become experienced testers. Our trainees gain knowledge about the below-mentioned process

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Tools Selection
  • Performance Test Plan
  • Performance Test Development
  • Performance Test Modeling
  • Test Execution
  • Test result Analysis
  • Reporting and analysis

Our team of professionals helps our trainees to get extensive knowledge about using JMeter as their tool for performance testing. The tool is available free of cost and uses a multithreading framework. We also help our learners to get the fetch graphical representation and analyze the data. As the tool is Java-based, hence the testers can use it across any platform. Moreover, our training would help them to become experts and utilize the knowledge by becoming successful Performance testers.


Jhon Pedrocas


Jhon Pedrocas


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